About Us

Here you can learn all about our business, how it all started, and the candles we produce.

Contrast Candles

What Got Us Started?

What had inspired us as a family-owned business of 3 to form a candle business was an interest in obtaining candles that were not in stock or rarely sold together. Trying to find the right candles proved to be a hassle, not to mention that many personalization options were limited. Hence, our name "Contrast Candles" comes from the black and white tealight sets that we couldn't find.

Contrast Candles

Where Are We Now?

We are currently in our relaunch phase where we are working to bring all our buyers higher quality candles that are worth your purchase. This includes coming up with different variations of essential oils combined with our best wicks and wax.

Contrast Candles

Our Goals for the Future

As we move forward, we would like to increase our stock of products and their variety. We are planning to add soaps, balms, and more. With our brand, we hope to bring more options to buyers who are looking for the perfect scented candle.