Candle Care

With a few tips and tricks, you can learn how to prolong your candle's lifespan and make sure you're able to get the best out of burning a scented candle.

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Fire Safety

  • Keep candles away from pets and children
  • Make sure the candle is in a safe container and on a flat surface
  • Avoid keeping any flammable objects nearby
  • Don't leave burning candles unattended
  • Avoid placing candles near a surface edge

Wick Trimming

  • All wicks should be trimmed to 1/4" before lighting every time to ensure the candle burns properly.
  • If the flame is creating black smoke residue around the jar, the flame it too big.
  • Simply blow out the candle wait for the candle to cool off and trim the wick.

Flame Management

  • Always burn your candle within eyesight & away from any flammable items.
  • Use a candle snuffer to extinguish flame
  • If blowing the flame out, prevent embers from spreading by removing nearby objects
  • If the flame is creating black smoke residue around the jar, the flame it too big. Simply blow out the candle wait for the candle to cool off and trim the wick.

Wax Pool

  • The first time using your candle, allow your wax to burn until the full surface has melted to the edge of the jar to prevent tunneling. This ensures that your candle burns evenly throughout it lifespan.
  • It's normal for natural soy wax to dry with an uneven surface after extinguishing. Remember, this is soy in it's purest form.

Burn Time

  • Do not burn your candle for more than 4 hours at a time.
  • Tealights should be burned for 1 hour at a time.
  • The first time using your candle, allow your wax to burn until the full surface has melted to the edge of the jar to prevent tunneling. This ensures that your candle burns evenly throughout it lifespan.